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Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'll Finally Get You Out of My Brain!

There were over five thousand e-mails in my gmail account and, well, it was time to take out the trash. I searched my e-mail for the word "amazon" and went through all 20 pages deleting three shitons* of Amazon mail. On page eleven or so I see that Katie is wishing me Happy Birthday! So I open it up. Katie has sent me a thirty dollar Amazon gift certificate for my birthday on January 31. Of 2011.

Found money? Well you just know it's going to feed my jewelry making habit. And what better way than to do something about that design I have in my head. The one that is killing me all up in my brain crevasses unable to be worked on because I don't have a torch. Well, no more! I ordered that sucker. Soon I'll be able to clear my head. Hopefully, this piece isn't crap burnt up good with a torch, but even if it is, at least it will be gone!

And because I hate to not have a pretty picture in my blog posts, here is a picture of the Bleeding Hearts in my shade garden in the backyard:
My Hearts Bleed

*Shiton (pronounced SHIT tun)is a new unit of measurement. It's basic unit is the number of e-mails received daily from sites where you have shopped in the past. It should replace the word 'google' as the biggest number ever, especially since the word 'google' is busy defining something else.

Queen of Sheeeba's Etsy
PinkSlinkie's Artfire Studio

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